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What is the price of CMC coin (CMCC)?

The price of CMC Coin (CMCC) is $0.086783 today with a 24-hour trading volume of $115.45. This represents a -0.12% price decline in the last 24 hours and a -6.89% price decline in the past 7 days. If you’re looking for the market cap of CMC Coin, data is not available today as the circulating supply of CMCC tokens is not reported.

How does CoinMarketCap track capitalization of cryptocurrencies?

We tracks capitalization of various cryptocurrencies by listing prices, available supply (amount of coins that is currently in circulation), trade volume over last 24 hours, or market capitalizations. CoinMarketCap was founded in May 2013 by Brandon Chez in Long Island City, Queens, New York. CoinMarketCap circa 2013.

How much is CoinMarketCap worth?

According to Bloomberg, in November 2019, Coinmarketcap introduced a Liquidity metric designed to combat fake trading volume. In April 2020, Binance, a cryptocurrency exchange, acquired Coinmarketcap for an undisclosed amount. Forbes suggested that the deal could be worth $400 million.

What information is on CMC's coin details pages?

One of the most important pieces of information on CMC’s coin details pages is the “market pairs” tab. Each market pair has their own confidence indicator, which helps you pick an exchange to trade your crypto. This confidence score reflects the liquidity of an exchange — the more liquidity it has, the easier it will be to trade crypto!

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